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To think like a wild butterfly which spreads its wing on a bright morning in spring, to appreciate the world go by, to create the meaning of life rather than to find it, to right a wrong, to defend the weak, to encourage the not so motivated and bring out the best in them and to do something worth writing about, also to write something worth reading about. Honor, Love, Humanity. For a Nation to Rejoice.

Dr Edmond Fernandes



To create a visible difference for those who are victims of time & circumstance, through my work and not through my words.


To embrace a community called mankind and channel my energies to contribute a new Health order which we can all leave better than what we inherited.

Fr Muller Editorial Team led by Dr. Edmond Fernandes


  • Nominated as a Legislative Fellow of the US Department of State
  • Visiting Scholar, Dornsife School of Public Health, Drexel University, Philadelphia.
  • Addressed the United Nations Regional Hub Meeting at Bangkok, Thailand
  • Addressed the United Nations Development Programme Meeting at Manhattan, UN  Headquarters.
Noble Laureate Prof. Muhammad Yunus with Dr. Edmond Fernandes at United Nations University in Japan
dr edmond fernandes appointed at athletics council

Dr Edmond Profile

Present Affiliations